Saturday, June 1, 2013

Revot! Fitness - Week 5

Memorial weekend kicked my booty.  We went down to Carlsbad to visit the in-laws, go to the Safari Park and relax.  I guess I got a little too relaxed.... LOL.  We pretty much had a diet-free 3 day weekend.  Needless to say we were happy to have that break but at the same time really missed eating clean.  It's a weird thing, I tell ya.  I really do feel better eating the way Nichole has us with Revolt! Fitness.
 San Diego Safari Park
I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't get in the "zone" with my personal discipline and would have a random bite of this, nibble of that...everything adds up!  The hubbs on the other hand was good because he was stuck in the office all day!  He doesn't have the least not that I know of : )
So overall I didn't have the greatest week.  No progress as far as weight goes.  But the hubbs lost another pound.  Yay for him!!! Don't get me wrong though, since following the program I've totally burned up fat all over my body.  My clothes fit better and I can really start to see my muscles toning up!  It's definitely creating change for the better.  And the workout for this week?  Killer!  My legs are jello.  Especially from yesterday and today.  But it feels OH SO GOOD to know that tomorrow is a rest day!!! Ahhhhhh.
 YUMMY Smoothie for Bfast this past week.  Seriously good.

Next week we are starting the next UPRISING for Revolt! Fitness.  Who wants to join in?  It's officially JUNE and that means sun, sand and water : )  We are kicking off the month with a DETOX.  If we follow the plan we are to lose 4-7lbs this WEEK, 1-2 lbs of which are FAT.  That's what I'm talking about!!!  I know it's not gonna be daisies and butterflies for the week but the end result is worth a week of that.
Honestly though, for $10 a month or LESS, depending on what you want, you really can't go wrong.  Cray Cray, I know!  Nichole is basically your personal trainer AND nutritionist.  She lays is ALL out for you.  Not to mention the support that you get from her and all of us following the program too.  Like I've said before, NO BRAINER!  Get 'er done!
Did I mention you could try it free?  YES.  GO.  NOW.  Revolt! Fitness.

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