Friday, May 24, 2013

Ms. A {Santa Clarita Valencia 91355 Glamour Photographer}

Let me start out by saying how behind I am in keeping up with my posts!!! I've been incredibly busy - in a GOOD way - and have been trying to balance everything that's been going on.  It's not easy being a wife and momma, photographer to so many wonderful people, running my ROCKIN' Nerium business and keep up with my blog!!!  Phew!  I hope you can forgive my randomness but enjoy the lovely pictures : )

As soon as Ms. A walked in the door I knew we were going to have a fabulous shoot.  Isn't she beautiful?  Sweet as can be, too.  
 She let us get creative with her and stick her in one of the frou frou skirts I have in the studio to really glam it up.  I love how everything turned out!
 Want to see more?  Watch the slideshow on my homepage to see a few more of Ms. A or check out her "before" picture here.


  1. Lora! I love everything you have been doing! You are and have always been an amazing photographer. I love to see what you chose to do with glamor... what made you decide that route? You are such a busy girl!! You rock everything you do!

    1. Hi Noelle!
      Thank you!! That means so much to me :) I think it was my first dream of being a fashion photographer that lead me back to this style...and I am loving every minute of it!!! Hope all is well with you!


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